WP Hosting for Marketers & SEO

Fast websites = better marketing results. Improve speed and Core Web Vitals with Staq!

Generate the best conversion rate possible with your campaign by loading your client's website super fast with Staq! A slow website will hurt your campaign.

If you're a SEO'er, load and optimize your client's sites super fast along with generating an awesome Google Core Web Vitals score with sites hosted on Staq.

Google Wants Fast Sites

There is a correlation between fast website load times and marketing campaign performance. Be a rockstar in front of your clients when it comes to WordPress hosting speed and performance. Because no one likes a slow site, especially Google.

Inside WordPress, enable cache under plugin, Staq Hosting and see your site load like a rocket!

The average site on Staq that has our caching solution turned on has an average Time to First Byte (TTFB) of 22ms.

WPX Hosting
WP Engine

*source: athemes.com


However, if you want to make the website even further and pass Google's Core Web Vital scores, then activate the Optimizer tool in Staq Hosting and apply all settings that Google recommends.

Go from zero to hero in minutes

Control all internal and JS files and scripts

Total Blocking Time (TBT) is the biggest component that makes up the Core Web Vitals score. It makes up 30% of the score. So what causes TBT? It's caused by javascript files and scripts, both internal and external.

Minify, combine, defer or delay. Delaying produces the biggest results. You can delay javascript files and scripts that aren't required at the time of loading the page. Upon user interaction such as moving the mouse or clicking the screen will load those delayed javascript files and scripts.

Control CSS files and scripts

Cumulative Layout Shifts (CLS) affect visual and layout stability. If you see a page drastically change in design before it fully loads, this is a sign of CLS issues.

With Staq, you can minify and/or combine CSS files. Critically extract all CSS that will appear above the fold and then defer the rest so it doesn't affect the initial load of the website.

Media Optimisation

Dramatically improve the load time of the website by optimizing media files. Lazyload image (and exclude certain image file names), add image dimensions, serve as WebP, and preload images.

A powerful tool that improves the overall speed signals of First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Time to Interactive (TTI), and Speed Index (SI) all in one hit.

Reduce DOM size

Yield extra percentage points. Our new Optimize HTML feature gives an extra boost in performance and PageSpeed Insights score as it reduces your DOM size.

WebP settings

Control the WebP compression quality settings. We store the original image inside AWS S3 for safe keeping. Adjust to your desired settings.

When serving WebP images, we also include the legacy image i.e. jpg and png just in case a browser doesn't support WebP.

PNG and JPG compression settings

Control the compression quality settings for png and jpg images. We store the original image inside AWS S3 for safekeeping. Adjust to your desired settings.

Profit from web hosting revenue

Create agency plans, assign to your client and Staq will automatically and dynamically charge your clients based on their base plan plus any excess charges (if any) under a white label invoicing solution powered via Stripe.

This allows you to create another source of revenue with hosting and/or maintenance website plans.