WordPress Hosting for Enterprises

High performance enterprise hosting for WordPress when you use Staq Next-Gen CDN

Looking for a WordPress hosting cloud solution that handles spikes in traffic along with consistent website load times globally? Then, Staq is your solution.

Hosted With Amazon AWS

Staq's infrastructure and features are powered by many AWS services.

For a full list of AWS services that Staq uses to power your website, check out the feature list here.

Group 834

Easy To Manage

Staq’s technology can deploy your site’s images, plugins, themes, and everything else in between across to AWS’s CloudFront service with a couple of clicks from the dashboard.

Fast Speeds All Around The Globe

By enabling the Staq Next-Gen CDN solution, you can take your website to the cloud leveraging off all zones across the AWS CloudFront network. This solution is perfect for enterprises as it caters to all visitors around the world, serving information to their nearest location.


Security built at the core

Security and performance are built into the core of Staq. If you wish to take your security to the next level, turn on Staq Nerxt-Gen CDN and experience amazing security at both the DNS and Server levels to stop hackers at their tracks. By using Next-Gen CDN, all traffic is rerouted to AWS CloudFront which has the added benefit of AWS Shield protection.

Google Core Web Vitals Optimization

Using the Staq Hosting plugin, enable Staq cache and the Optimizer to perform one-click optimization to improve your Core Web Vitals scores for both mobile and desktop.


Image compression & WebP

All uploaded images (new or old) will automatically be compressed (jpg and png images) and those images are also converted to WebP format. Don't worry, the original image is stored on AWS S3 buckets just in case you're not happy with the quality or you want to further reduce the quality. The power is in your hands.