Customizing Deployment with CLI Commands

Table of Contents

    This only works for newly created environments on Staq and does not retrospectively apply to existing sites in your account.

    Staq’s Custom Deployment is a powerful feature that allows you to automate your workflow when it comes to creating a new environment on Staq. Via the WordPress Command Line (WP-CLI, the possibilities include:

    • automatically installing certain plugins
    • disabling Staq’s S3 offloading feature
    • activating premium plugin with a license key

    and so much more!

    How to customize your Custom Deployment

    Go to Global Settings > Custom Deployment where you can enable and tailor the post-deployment process with WP CLI commands.

    This guide highlights common use cases and also allows for the incorporation of custom commands to meet specific needs.


    Where we use 123456 as an example license key, please go ahead and replace it with your actual license key (please make sure you end it with a semi-colon).

    Disabling S3 Offloads

    To prevent automatic media offloading to S3 after deployment, use the command below:

    wp wpstaq disable-s3-offload;

    Activating your premium page builder license key

    Elementor Pro

    wp elementor-pro license activate 123456;

    Beaver Builder

    wp beaver register --license=123456;

    Installing and activating a Theme

    wp theme install twentysixteen --activate;

    Activating a premium license for a plugin

    Advanced Custom Fields Pro

    wp eval 'acf_pro_update_license("123456");'

    Beaver PowerPack

    wp powerpack register --license=123456;

    How to find the CLI command for other plugins/themes

    Potentially ChatGPT can answer this for you. Or, alternatively, Google WP CLI command to install/activate/license <plugin>

    By integrating these commands into your deployment process, you can streamline the setup of your website and ensure it meets your specific requirements from the start.
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