Improve Time to Interactive


Time to Interactive (TTI) is a metric that measures a page’s load responsiveness and identifies situations where a page looks interactive but actually isn’t.

TTI measures the earliest time the page is reliably ready for user interactivity.

How to improve Time to Interactive?

Improve your TTI metric by incorporating ideal web development practices, such as:

1) Optimizing JavaScript execution

Optimize your JavaScript execution to reduce main-thread blocking time, and ensure that your page responds quickly to user inputs. Some of the things you can do include:

  • Minimizing main-thread work
  • Reducing JavaScript execution time
  • Removing unused JavaScript
  • Replacing large JavaScript libraries with smaller alternatives
  • Reducing the impact of third-party code

How to improve Speed Index with Staq

Under Staq Hosting > JavaScript > Site Optimizer you will see numerous opportunities to improve Speed Index such as Minify Javascript files, Minify JavaScript files, Combine all JavaScript etc.

2) Serving minimal requests

Keep request counts as low as possible and avoid chaining critical requests to speed up the loading of key resources.

3) Using resource hints to establish early connections

Use the preconnect and dns-prefetch resource hints to establish early connections to third-party servers.

Preload key requests to ensure that your visitors can use your page sooner.

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