Serve images in next-gen formats


Most websites serve images in JPEG or PNG formats, these formats have been around for over 20 years! The availability of a new generation of a new image format, WebP allows you to further reduce your image file sizes.

The ‘Serve images in next-gen format’ audit recommends that you serve images in newer formats that leverage advances in image processing and compression. These formats are:

  • WebP (most widely used and recommended format)Use Staq to automatically convert to this format.
  • JPEG 2000

While the device and browser compatibility for each format varies, the reduction in image file-size offered makes this a worthwhile audit to evaluate.

How to Serve images in next-gen formats with Staq

Serving images in next-gen format means serving images in WebP format. Go to Site Optimizer > Media and click Serve next-gen images [WebP] and also enable Rewrite media URLs for the cached file to show WebP images:

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