Override Specific SMTP Global Settings

Table of Contents

    This article provides detailed instructions on how to apply the global SMTP Mailer configurations while changing only website-specific settings, without the need to create entirely new settings.

    Override only specific Global Settings for a website

    To adjust email settings, follow these steps:

    1. Visit Secure SMTP Settings Documentation to understand which constants can be overridden.
    2. Identify the specific constant you need to change, such as WPMS_MAIL_FROM_FORCE.
    3. Navigate to the Staq Panel, locate the WP Config File, and input the new value for your chosen constant.
    4. Save the changes to apply them.

    With these steps, you’ve successfully tailored SMTP settings for a specific website without altering the global setup.

    Disabling the WP Mail SMTP plugin on a particular site

      1. Navigate to the Staq Panel and locate WP Config.
      2. Insert WPMS_ON with the value as false
      3. Click Save
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