How to Determine the Reason for a Client’s Payment Failure

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    If you’re trying to understand why a client’s payment didn’t go through, follow these steps to diagnose the reason:

    1. Navigate to the Customer List:

    • Start by accessing Customers from your dashboard or main menu.
    • Once there, click on Manage under the “Customer List” section.

    2. Locate the Specific Customer:

    • Scroll through or search for the customer in question.
    • Once found, click on Payment Attempts beside their name or details.

    3. Diagnose the Payment Failure Reason:

    Once you’ve accessed the Payment Attempts, you’ll see a message that indicates the reason for the payment failure. Here’s what some common failure messages mean:

    • “Your card was declined”: This typically means the card has most likely been canceled or blocked by the client’s financial institution.
    • “Your card number is incorrect”: The entered credit card details are not correct.
    • “Your card has insufficient funds”: The card doesn’t have enough funds to complete the transaction.
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