Increase CDN CloudFront invalidations daily limit

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    CDN Invalidations

    CDN invalidations play a crucial role in keeping your content up to date and ensuring that changes are propagated quickly throughout the CDN. However, Staq imposes certain limitations on the number of invalidations you can perform for free on a daily basis. This knowledge base is designed to guide you through the process of increasing your daily free usage limit, allowing you to effectively manage your content and maintain a seamless user experience.

    Before proceeding with the process of increasing your daily free usage limit for CloudFront CDN invalidations, it’s important to note that doing so may result in additional charges, depending on the plan you are subscribed to with Staq.

    Increasing the limit

    You can increase the limit by adding the following code to your custom plugin, theme or using Code Snippets plugin:

    add_filter("wpsh_cloudfront_invalidations_daily_limit", function ($limit) {
    return 200; // The new limit

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